And Friends Mayhap: THE Network Is Gonna Feed Us
THE Network didn't have any particular requests so Justin has decided he wants to do a food show. Matt and Bryan pitch ideas for food places to go try.
THE Network didn't have any particular requests so Justin has decided he wants to do a food show. Matt and Bryan pitch ideas for food places to go try.
THE Network has decided that the show should go to a baseball game. Justin, Bryan, and Matt are pitching ideas for the ballpark.
THE Network is sending the show to 1993 town. Justin, Bryan, and Matt are pitching ideas for things they can do while they are there.
Justin, Matt, and Bryan are pitching ideas for a game show sketch that THE network wants.
A short trailer for what to expect from And Friends Mayhap podcast.
After tallying the votes on both Challonge and Twitter, we found that the score was evenly tied between Purple Rain and Batman '89. What the hell do we do? run another vote and hope it tips the balance? Let it go a little longer? In the end we decided the best, and stupidest outcome is to declare a tie between Prince and... Prince. Jennie Z and Matt W tied for the win in the predictions with a score of 86. […]