SUS Goodman relieves Co-Captains Glynn and Stuart from command of the Zib, and the ship is reassigned to the scrap heap. What now?
Zip over to for more shenanigans.
Lauren Izzo (@mouthybroadcast) as Co-Captain Maria Glynn
Justin Wilson (@thehulkster) as Co-Captain Stuart
Chris Otto (@iottoknow) as Chief Engineer Tito Bailey and his “crew”
Anna Tozzi-Barbay (@SicilianTink) as Gabriella Glynn
Kris Roley (@krisroley) as Sergio Glynn
Ashley Victoria Robinson (@AshleyVRobinson) as the Doe-Kent merchant
Vanessa Pazmiño (@pazthespazmino) as Irinia
and Tristan Riddell (@TheInsaneRobin) as the booming voice in the intro
Thanks again to everyone who lended their voices and talents to this project. It couldn’t have happened without you.
The Zib’s Misadventures in Spaaace was created and written by Charlynn Schmiedt (@ohtheprofanity) and Phillip Gilfus (@ncpublicservant).
Sound design and editing by Charlynn Schmiedt (@ohtheprofanity).
The voice of Pac was possible thanks to Uberduck.
Music and special effects by Epidemic Sound.
This production is a proud affiliate of the Legion of Stupid (@legionofstupids).