insert_link blog The Case Against Binge Watching Binge watching is nothing new. It's been around since people were able to tape episodes onto VHS so they could watch their favorite shows as they please. It's been around since TV networks have aired weekend long marathons of popular television shows. But in the 21st century, with the advent of Netflix and DVRs, binge watching seems to be becoming the norm rather than the guilty pleasure. todayMarch 6, 2014 251
blog Irrefutable proof that Prince is a Time Lord. "You've got to be kidding, right?" I hear you saying. It's cool. When I first had the idea I was a little shocked too. Hear me out. Like the Doctor, the Master, the Warrior, or the Corsair, he's just Prince. His name has, over time, become synonymous with who he is. When people hear the word Prince, they think: Not: Go ahead. Google one word: Prince. I'll wait. (Note, this page is pretty image heavy. In case you're not on Wi-fi, or you're […] todayNovember 24, 2013 1493