insert_link blog Post-Blur Albarn As I write this, release of the new Gorillaz album, Humanz, is on its final countdown. Even though a serious chunk of the tracks have already been released, I'm still anticipating the fuck out of the release. It appears to be less of a standard Gorillaz album (if there is such a thing) and more of a collage of artists, held together by frontman Damon Albarn and themes of societal change. Now, constant listeners and blog-readers know Damon Albarn holds god-like status […] todayApril 27, 2017 59
insert_link blog Ryan Adams 101: Who Is That Guy Covering Taylor Swift? Monday morning brought the release of Ryan Adams' cover album of Taylor Swift's "1989". As a fan of Ryan Adams, and a closet fan of "Shake It Off", I had been looking forward to this for a while. As I did my routine morning scroll through Facebook, I noticed a few people (mostly Millennials but not all) were wondering who the hell Ryan Adams was. I know this isn't nearly as bad as the people who had never heard of […] todaySeptember 24, 2015 10