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6 Results / Page 1 of 1


Hoagiefest 2016: Associate Recipe reviews

One of our favorite things about Wawa's Hoagiefest promotion is the selection of associate recipe creations. Wawa employees from all over develop these concoctions, then 9 sandwich recipes are selected and sold everywhere throughout Hoagiefest at the special pricing regardless of how much crap is thrown on the buns. As a service to the Hoagie-loving community, we have decided to try as many of these as possible and review for you.

todayAugust 4, 2016 4734


Ghostbusters Review

When I saw the first trailers for the new movie Ghostbusters I have to admit I was a little skeptical. Sure, Kate McKinnon is one of my favorite SNL cast members of all time and Melissa McCarthy has certainly earned her chops in dramedy roles, but can these comediennes carry the weight of this groundbreaking blend of action, comedy and sci-fi? Despite my reservations and a lukewarm Rotten Tomatoes score of 73%/53%, I headed out to the theater to give […]

todayJuly 18, 2016 231


Jennie vs. Fire Ants

"Hey," my friend says. "Have you heard about this thing where people get locked in a room with a colony of fire ants? It's all the rage." "Yeah, I saw an ad for it like twice a day for the past 6 months. It looks stupid. Why the fuck would I want to do that?" My friend shrugs. "I dunno. It could be fun." "Absolutely nothing about this sounds fun."

todayMarch 25, 2016 16


Reasons You Should Be Watching Steven Universe

Steven Universe debuted on November 4, 2013 on Cartoon Network. Its fanbase is tiny compared to its powerhouse cousins Adventure Time and Regular Show... but it is picking up steam every day. Moreover, fans of Steven Universe instantly bond with one another, like we're all part of a very cool exclusive club. Still, this gem (pun intended) of a show doesn't get nearly the recognition it should, and I'm hoping to change that.

todayMay 14, 2015 1631


Fatventures: Wawa Pumpkin Cannoli Dip

Fatventures is going to be a regular column where I eat random weird snacks that I find, and review them. I'll take requests, if there's a food that you'd like me to try, email and let me know! Bonus points if you send it to me for free. Negative points if you say HURRRHURR EAT MY DICK. Fatventures: I eat, so you don't have to! This time I'll be reviewing the Pumpkin Cannoli dip from Wawa.

todayOctober 6, 2014 2081
