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    Deprogrammed: Trailer, Sort Of

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    Belle & Dubs Season 1 Promo

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    Deprogrammed: Before After the Fact #62 - Redemption?

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    Deprogrammed: Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds


56 Results / Page 3 of 7


Florida Report: Our City Beautiful

"Lost 49 friends I'll never know, two weeks ago today." - Pearl Jam "Love Boat Captain" (slightly modified) Mass shootings have become so commonplace in America that I thought I was starting to become numb. Sure, with each Aurora and Sandy Hook, I would always feel bad and then frustrated that these keep occuring, but the reality of it all never set it. Metropolitan white male privilege, I guess. When the shootings happened in Paris last year, I mourned, but […]

todayJune 30, 2016 5


Late-30’s Weird Mom Learns Pokemon For the First Time

The phenomenon known as Pokemon is almost 20 years old. My daughter was born not too long after the game's debut in Japan, so by the time it was a Big Deal in America, she was at prime age to start catching the little buggers. Somehow, it never fully caught on in our house so I didn't learn much about them until this year.

todayJune 16, 2016 3283


Of Course Luke Skywalker Is A Badass, You Fucking Idiots

For those of you who have been participating in our chat room on GroupMe, first of all, cool! Thanks for participating! We love interacting with our fans and shooting the shit throughout slow work days. We discuss many things in the chat room. Since it is an extension of our show, the topics of conversation tend to be humorous poop stories, random Fuck/Marry/Kill challenges, and discussions of our mutual interests. One day, Star Wars came up in the chat room. […]

todayJune 10, 2016 2013


Jennie vs. Fire Ants

"Hey," my friend says. "Have you heard about this thing where people get locked in a room with a colony of fire ants? It's all the rage." "Yeah, I saw an ad for it like twice a day for the past 6 months. It looks stupid. Why the fuck would I want to do that?" My friend shrugs. "I dunno. It could be fun." "Absolutely nothing about this sounds fun."

todayMarch 25, 2016 16


In Defense of Kanye West

Every day, in almost every form of social media, someone is complaining about something Kanye said, bitching about his music, loathing his wife, and getting irrationally angry about someone who they claim not to care about. No longer will I hide in the shadows. Here, my dear readers, is why I like Kanye West.

todayMarch 18, 2016 84


The Magic of Neko Atsume

My teenage daughter recently got hooked on a smartphone app called Neko Atsume, which simply means "Cat Collection." At first I sort of brushed it off with a "aww, that's cute, my daughter is such a weeb" attitude. I don't typically like CUTE things. It's just not my style. And for glob's sake I do not need another silly smartphone game to suck my time away. Don't you know, I installed it anyway and was completely shocked at how much […]

todayMarch 3, 2016 19


Most Disappointing Endings

We were inspired to compile this list after the second series finale of X-Files. Note that this is not the WORST story endings so much as the ones that built up our hopes to impossible levels, only to let us down completely. It should go without saying that this list will contain spoilers, but there are some redacted sections to cover some details and save your delicate eyes. As always, let us know what we forgot or got wrong. That's […]

todayFebruary 25, 2016 13


Blur: You Know They Have Other Songs, Right?

Most people only know Blur from the catchy commercial success of "Song 2," otherwise known as "That song that goes 'Whoo-hoo!' a lot and my British isn't good enough to understand the rest." Some may also remember the 90's promiscuity anthem "Girls and Boys" or the silly Britpop media swordfight versus Oasis. Here's an introduction to the rest of the band's music.

todayFebruary 18, 2016 4
